the pace of the world picks up everyday. People forget to enjoy the small things to small victories in life such as the first sip of coffee in the morning as the sun rises. The smell of fresh cut grass on the first day of summer a smile on your princess's face when she sees you in their first and second after waking. When all is right with the world, and nothing can touch you or her and the two of you are floating in a space created by the numbers specifically for that moment.
Happiness is something each individual needs to find for themselves it cannot be bought and sold or traded. It can only be found in comes in many forms. Some of which people fail to notice, because they cannot see the world for what it truly an ever evolving and changing and rotating spectrum of varying realities that very few people can see clearly and those that can are able to find true happiness simply because it is secretly or otherwise damaged in the universe and the universe understands them and they have learned to enjoy the ride and excitement and adventure of living in interchanging in the evolving universe and they have learned not to worry about the things that are beyond the reach and appreciate the things that they have.
And they are also unwilling to give up the fight for the things they truly want.
The positive changes in life are just a collection of small victories, which have to be appreciated in that moment for what they are and never taken out of context for it is when these victories are taken out of context that the true meaning of them is misunderstood and unappreciated, which is why people become unhappy because they are unable to catch hold of those small victories and appreciate them for what they are. And they only want the things they cannot have and they want the things that other people have, simply because they think it's better, but they don't understand that everything comes with its own unique challenges, and everyone is entirely unique and that things that mean happiness to one person will not mean happiness to another. All of the time were necessarily in the same way.
So I guess what I'm saying is, you should appreciate the view of the universe that you have right now, because if you learn to listen. It will tell you everything you need to know. And exactly how to find happiness. Yes, it may take work, and it may seem like it is never going to happen but even small victories eventually add up to one cohesive experience both the negative and positive experiences we encounter in life make us who we are and will someday, if properly negotiated at up to one well rounded life. That will have value and enhance the world in some way. So it is always important to never take the small victories for granted and never play the what if four of which came because those only need two regrets and there is no reason for regret, because what would actually signifies is an unwillingness to try and an unwillingness to try these two among them is to learn an unwillingness to learn leads to taking the small victories for granted. Which leads to unhappiness, which will perpetuate itself until the individual experiencing the unhappiness is able to appreciate the small victories.
HOO-RAH!! May all your lives be filled with rainbows and unicorns. For those that can see the rainbows and unicorns understand who they truly are.
This space is intended as a place to share all the interesting bits of information and knowledge. The universe has to offer everything from literature and politics to miscellaneous and extemporaneous facts and short stories, as well as everyday wisdom and skills, which might make life a little easier, or at least more interesting. Or information that will in some way add to the conversation of exactly what it means to be part of humanity at large.