Hello again, dear reader.
Since we have been talking about adventure and all of its various aspects in our recent conversation, I thought it was only fitting that today we talk about a very important aspect of leading a life of or having adventures, and that is being a "self-starter." All of the famous adventurers from Teddy Roosevelt to Alan Quartermaine (a fictitious adventurer created by H. Rider Haggard discovered King Solomon's mines) and everyone in between from Ernest Hemingway to Ernest Shackleton were self-starters meaning. They did not sit around and wait for someone else to come up with the idea or plan and then tell them what to do it to their ideas. I have is dreams and aspirations and ran with them! Jack is done through fundraisers to finance his expeditions by showing movies and giving lectures, Teddy Roosevelt created the "Rough Riders" as one of the last privately funded and commissioned military units in the United States Army. So that he could have a military adventure and add to his own legend and mystique. Ernest Hemingway famously went off then joined the Spanish Revolution, with his own guns and a group of friends. Just for the adventure and to get some ideas for his next story. Aside from being slightly crazy, what each of these men mentioned have in common with one another is that they are able to self motivate and accomplish whatever goal they set for themselves (okay I admit, it didn't work out so well for Mr. Shackleton) for no other reason. Then you have a desire to see them through.
Some of the best self-starters or self-motivated individuals on the planet come from the United States Marine Corps. Contrary to popular belief, the United States Marines do not want to turn people into robots. Or take away a Marines ability to think for his or herself. In fact, they want to enhance visibility, almost to the extreme. The Marine Corps wants individual that can self motivate self start and accomplish the mission given to them for no other reason than they wholeheartedly believe they can do so. So today's conversation takes its advice from the United States Marine Corps. So hopefully dear reader, by the end of today's discussion, you will have a better understanding of what it means to be a self-starter, and therefore will have the motivation and understanding for setting off on any adventure. You desire to carry out...
Back in 1980, more than 90 percent of American workers reported to a boss who told them what they needed to do and when it needed to be done. All you had to do was show up at the office or factory, and your day was scheduled for you. Today, more than a third of the American workforce consists of freelancers and contractors who have to figure out exactly how to allot their time, complete tasks, and promote their work on their own. Even many salaried employees, particularly in smaller, start-up environments, are simply given goals to work towards, and not necessarily much direction in how to get there.
It’s not surprising then that research shows that individuals who know how to self-start make more money, are happier, and have more satisfying romantic and family lives than those who don’t.
If the ability to be a self-starter is so critical to success, and so many folks seem to be struggling with it, figuring out exactly why we’re lacking in personal motivation and how to regain it is obviously crucial.
Luckily, the U.S. Marines have already diagnosed the problem, and formulated an answer.
Autonomy As the Key to Self-Motivation
The Marines have a 250-year-old legacy of being the first forces in and the last to leave in a conflict. They’re famous for their ethos of improvisation and independent, action-oriented thinking. But in the past decade or so, commanders noticed that many recruits coming in struggled with the same issue that’s hindering their civilian peers: a lack of self-motivation and self-direction.Young Marines would wait until someone told them to do something before they did it and when they did take action, they put in the bare minimum effort. As General Charles C. Krulak put it bluntly when describing this new generation of Marines: “it was like working with a bunch of wet socks.”
Wanting to figure out why many modern Marines acted as they did, Krulak immersed himself in research on initiative and self-motivation. He found one study performed by the Corps which concluded that “the most successful Marines were those with a strong ‘internal locus of control’ — a belief they could influence their destiny through the choices they made.”
An individual with an internal locus of control sees himself as an actor, not someone who’s acted upon. He views himself as an autonomous being and believes in his self-efficacy — his ability to make things happen.
Someone with an external locus of control, on the other hand, feels as though things happen to him. He blames others or his circumstances for his situation. “If I didn’t have kids, I’d have time to workout.” “My boss is getting in the way of my promotion.” “I don’t have enough money to travel.” “I don’t have the connections to make it in this field.” Feeling like his life is controlled by external circumstances, he sees little point in working towards goals. What would be the point? His only recourse is to wait and hope for circumstances to change.
An individual with an internal locus of control, however, sees a high correlation between his personal actions and moving from where he is now, to where he wants to be. For this reason, he’s obviously much more motivated to take action in the first place.
Research from the fields of cognitive psychology and neurology bears out this connection between a sense of control and intrinsic motivation.
Psychologists from Columbia University found that when people believe they’re in control of their lives, they tend to work harder and push themselves more. They earn more money than their peers and even live longer than them.
Neurological research has presented an even more vivid explanation of the exact connection between a sense of control and motivation. It’s a connection that centers on one specific part of the brain: the striatum.
The striatum serves as a waypoint between our pre-frontal cortex (where we make decisions) and the more primitive basal ganglia (where movement and emotions emerge). When the striatum is sluggish, decisions we make with our pre-frontal cortex can’t connect with the action- and emotion-oriented basal ganglia. So we can think about how something is the right, rational, desirable thing to do, but we don’t feel driven to follow through on it.
Luckily, you can unleash a torrent of self-motivation by waking the striatum up. What is it that researchers have found does the trick?
A sense of autonomy.
In a study done at the University of Pittsburgh, individuals were put under an fMRI machine and asked to look at a screen which flashed numbers between one and nine. The research subjects were told to guess if the number was going to be above or below five.
When the researchers watched the screens where the fMRI results appeared, they noticed that the striatum of the participants would light up while they were guessing. What’s more, many of the participants told the researcher they genuinely enjoyed playing a game that had purposely been designed to be dull.
Curious as to why many of the test participants enjoyed playing such a boring game, head researcher Mauricio Delgado took the experiment a step further. He used the same game as before, but in this experiment, the test participants only got to choose the number to guess half the time. The other half, a computer guessed for them.
Just as in the first experiment, when the test participant actively guessed their number, the fMRI showed intense activity in the striatum. But when the computer chose for them? The striatum went completely silent. When Delgado asked participants how they felt about the game afterward, they told him they enjoyed themselves when they were choosing their own numbers, but when the computer picked the numbers, they were bored and wanted to quit the experiment because it felt more like an assignment. They mentally checked out.
What all this research suggests is that if you want to experience the drive of self-motivation, you need to feel like you have control over your actions and surroundings.
You need to feel autonomous.
Wither Autonomy?
If a sense of autonomy is the key to feeling motivated to get going and take action, the next logical question is: why don’t guys today feel autonomous?Part of it may be the economy; it’s hard to feel in control of your life when you’re buffeted by financial forces you have no say over.
Yet uncertain times are certainly nothing new in human history, pointing to the fact that something else must also be going on. In Krulak’s estimation, that something else can be traced to the way most kids are raised in America today. Many Millennials grew up with parents who took care of almost everything for them and tightly scheduled out their day. All they had to do was show up to school and activities, and let the pre-planned experience unfold.
Instead of roaming neighborhoods playing improvised games, modern kids take part in highly structured organized sports or pre-planned “play dates.” Instead of being allowed to do a crappy job on a science project all by themselves, parents do it for them so it looks professional. When teens apply for college, mom and dad help fill out the application. In short, many young people haven’t had the chance to make a lot of decisions on their own.
Childhood through college is thus experienced like a conveyer belt, where you’re just along for the ride.
But then comes graduation. The belt comes to an abrupt end. There are numerous paths to take (although they aren’t limitless!), all stretching in different directions. And to start down any of them takes intentional planning and action — nobody’s guiding or chauffeuring you along.
It’s at this point that many men run into a wall. They wait around, expecting their ship to come in — for external circumstances to congeal into the good things in life they’ve been dreaming about since boyhood. They don’t know how to take action without guidance. It’s no wonder there’s been a great rise in companies that offer to take you on pre-planned, guide-led “adventures,” service project trips, and gap-year experiences, and plenty of online courses and conventions that claim to teach you how to be an entrepreneur (note: if you need a class to get started in being an entrepreneur, the stuff that’s necessary to be self-employed is likely not in you).
But these kinds of hand-holding programs and resources don’t exist for every aspect of life, and knowing how to be self-directed and self-motivated remains crucial.
Fortunately, being an autonomous action-taker is a skill that can be learned and revived.
Discover Your Autonomy By Making Small Choices & Taking Small Actions
So let’s recap: to become a self-starter, activate your striatum, and experience the drive of motivation, you’ve got to feel autonomous — you have to see yourself as an actor, not someone who’s acted upon.The last question we need to address then is this: how can you learn to feel more in control of your life?
The answer is that self-directed motivation is a skill — one you gain the same way you do any other: practice.
As Charles Duhigg says in his book Smarter Faster Better, “motivation is triggered by making choices that demonstrate that we are in control.” The more autonomous decisions you make, the more autonomous you’ll feel, and the more autonomous you feel, the more motivated you’ll be to work on your goals, and the more motivated you are, the more autonomous actions you’ll take. It becomes a positive cycle that builds on itself.
And here’s the thing: the choices that kick off that cycle don’t have to be big. In fact, they can be as small as deciding how you’re going to clean up a mess hall.
Once Gen. Krulak made the connection between autonomy and personal motivation, he decided it was time to change the way Marines trained new recruits. In addition to the usual push-ups and running, he threw in tasks that involved exercising autonomy and practicing the skill of making self-directed decisions. One task was something as simple as cleaning the mess hall after lunch.
New recruits are simply told they have to clean the mess hall. No further instruction is given. Whenever they asked a drill sergeant for advice (typical wet sock move), they just got yelled at and told to get back to work figuring it out themselves. So the recruits are left on their own to decide what leftover food they should keep or chuck, where to put the tables and chairs, and how to best clean the dishes. For some of these young men, it represents the first time they have to exercise this kind of self-direction.
Not surprisingly, they mess up. Leftovers that should have been kept get tossed out, and chairs get put away in the wrong place. The process they come up with initially isn’t always effective. But the drill sergeants don’t care. What’s important to them is that the recruits exercise their autonomy. Or as Krulak put it, the Marines are teaching recruits “a bias towards action.” He wants them to see that they’re able to take control of a situation and how good it feels when they do. “Most recruits don’t know how to force themselves to start something hard,” Krulak says. “But if we can train them to take the first step by doing something that makes them feel in charge, it’s easier to keep going.” This growing sense of autonomy that comes from deciding how they’re going to clean a mess hall awakens a sense of motivation that many of these recruits have never felt. And it carries over to other areas.
By making a bunch of clueless recruits clean a mess hall, Krulak is training the skill of motivation.
We can train our own skill of motivation in the same way by focusing on taking small, autonomous actions that instill a sense of freedom, independence, and control.
So what are some practical ways of doing so?
Duhigg gives a great example in Smarter Faster Better in regards to email. For many folks working information jobs, answering email is a chore and something that they’re not very motivated to do. I’m a notorious email put-er off-er myself. The reason we might not be very motivated to answer email is that it often gives us a sense that we have no control over our lives. Most emails are requests from others to do something or provide information. Facing a daily barrage of such solicitations can give a person the sense that they’re besieged by forces outside themselves.
To counteract the learned helplessness-inducing aspect of email, Duhigg suggests skipping the pleasantries you usually start with and beginning instead by writing a single sentence in which you exercise a decision. Then go back and fill in the rest of the email.
So if Jim from PR is asking you to go to a meeting you don’t want to attend, but you’ve been putting off answering because you hate letting people down, start off the email with a single sentence exercising your autonomous choice. It could be something like:
“I can go, but I’ll have to leave after 20 minutes.”
“I unfortunately won’t be able to attend the meeting.”
Don’t hit send yet.
Do that with all those other emails you’ve been putting off. Write a single sentence in which you exercise an autonomous choice and nothing else.
Once you’re done with your single sentence replies, go back and fill them in with the usual email pleasantries, and send them off.
Duhigg noticed two things when he implemented this practice:
“First, it was much easier to reply to an email once I had at least one sentence on the screen. Second, and more important, it was easier to get motivated when that first sentence was something that made me feel in control. When I told Jim that I could only stay for twenty minutes, it reminded me that I didn’t have to commit to his project if I didn’t want to.”
While this kind of exercise might seem inconsequential at first blush, each time you begin doing the hard part — exercising control — you’re lighting up your striatum and training the skill of motivation. Think of this as “greasing the groove” for your motivation muscles.
Look for other ways you can exercise your self-direction by making small, autonomous choices throughout your day. And by small, I mean minuscule. Researchers have found that nursing home residents who have the fewest emotional and physical problems are the ones who find ways to exercise control in an environment that doesn’t offer much of it. In nursing homes, schedules and food menus are very rigid. The residents who thrive are the ones who rebel against the strict structure in small ways like trading food at the dinner table so that they design a meal to their choosing instead of just eating what’s put before them. One resident even gives away his cake, despite the fact he likes cake, because he would “rather eat a second-class meal that I have chosen.”
Likewise, if you’re currently at a job that doesn’t offer you a lot of autonomy, you can still find little ways to exercise control — proposing a new project, re-negotiating a deadline, requesting a different desk, asking for a raise, etc. Heck, when someone asks you where you want to eat for lunch, instead of saying, “I don’t know. Whatever you want is fine,” state a preference. Make a choice. After awhile of exercising your autonomy, you may gain the motivation to move into a better job, or moonlight your way to self-employment.
Kate and I ultimately broke our problem of leisure time inertia by committing to an 8-week “microadventure challenge” where we did one little adventure each week. Doing something small each and every week broke the dam of our old excuses, and let us see how easy it was to choose activity over passivity. Even after the challenge was over, our newfound sense of autonomy kept us motivated and we continue to do new microadventures (check out our Instagram page to see many of them!) nearly every week.
That’s the beauty of this approach to developing personal motivation: as you make more and more autonomous choices, your motivation muscle will be strengthened, and you’ll begin to naturally take action in all kinds of situations without the need for outside prompting and guidance.
Instead of viewing the world as something you have no control over, you’ll start looking for opportunities where you can exercise your power to take charge of your life and make things happen.
As always, dear reader, thanks for listening, and there will be more to come soon.
One of my favorite quotes, by Stephen Richards, is "You are essentially who you create yourself to be, and all that occurs in your life is the result of your own making." I was never in the service, but I have relatives and friends who were Marines, and everything you said is true. Whenever we feel as if we are failing, we can look to the current and former Marines and appreciate their zest for life and self-motivation.