Tuesday, September 19, 2017

An intriguing sentiment by Thomas Dekker, that will help you find your daily desire.

Hello again, dear reader.
Today's conversation and discussion is going to the one of those philosophical meditations. I came across this interesting sentiment. Last night, while perusing the Internet for some unique or thought-provoking information; and when I read this little paragraph. I started thinking about my own daily desires, and the more I thought about it. The more I realized that Thomas Dekker managed to encompass everything that I hoped my life would be in this one little paragraph (of course I am extrapolating my own thoughts and desires. You can insert yours, anyway you like dear reader.) So I hope Thomas Dekker, and his daily desire aspires you dear reader, to stop lying about things you can't control and step outside yourself once in a while and greet the morning with a smile brightening your face and make everyone with laughter on your lips and love in your heart...

“My Daily Desire”
By Thomas Dekker
To awaken each morning with a smile brightening my face; to greet the day with reverence for the opportunities it contains; to approach my work with a clear mind; to hold ever before me, even in the doing of little things, the Ultimate Purpose toward which I am working; to meet men and women with laughter on my lips and love in my heart; to be gentle and kind and courteous through all the hours; to approach the night with the weariness that ever woos sleep and the joy that comes from work well done—this is how I desire to waste wisely my days.

1 comment:

  1. A wonderful blog today. It's simple, apropos and timely. I hope everyone who reads today's posting embraces Dekker's sentiments.
