Hello again, dear
It seems these days
that (thanks in no small part to our current political climate) that insults
are being slung back and forth more and more these days, whether it is a
disparaging remark concerning one's political affiliations or political
outlook. Or just a direct dig on an individual for whatever reason, that one
chooses to justify.
However, it seems to me
that the very act of delivering an insult has lost some of its artistic
creativity. It used to be, especially in the 19th century that most insults
were witty and creative rather than just being merely vulgar and obscene, and
so I thought if we live in a world where insults are going to be slung on an
hourly and sometimes minute by minute basis. Then we should at least bring back
the artistic and creative value of the insult and so dear reader. I have made
up a list of, 50 favorite old-time put-downs, with their original definitions
pulled directly from dictionaries published more than a century back (with some
slight tweaking for added clarity). Some have gone completely extinct from our
language, while others are merely endangered; you may have heard them before,
but they’re terribly underused. All are worthy of a revival.
So hopefully by the end
of today's conversation, dear reader (whether you use them or not), you will
have a repertoire of insults and putdowns that are more artistic and creative
so that you can trade insults without the vulgarity, while still getting your
important point across...
1. Afternoon Farmer
A laggard; a farmer who
rises late and is behind in his chores; hence, anyone who loses his
2. All Hat and No
An empty boaster; a man
who is all talk and no action.
3. Blunderbuss
A short gun, with a
wide bore, for carrying slugs; also, a dumb, blundering fellow.
4. Cad
A mean fellow; a man
trying to worm something out of another, either money or information.
5. Chatterbox or
An excessive, incessant
talker or chatterer. “Clack-box” is the more derisive variation.
6. Chicken-Hearted
Cowardly, fearful.
7. Chuckle Head
Much the same as
“buffle head,” “cabbage head,” “chowder head,” “cod’s head” — all signifying
stupidity and weakness of intellect; a fool.
8. Cow-Handed
9. Death’s Head Upon a
A poor, miserable,
emaciated fellow. He looked as pleasant as the pains of death.
10. Duke of Limbs
A tall, awkward fellow.
11. Dunderhead
12. Fop, Foppish,
Foppling, Fop-doodle
A man of small
understanding and much ostentation; a pretender; a man fond of show, dress, and
flutter; an impertinent: foppery is derived from fop, and signifies the kind of
folly which displays itself in dress and manners: to be foppish is to be
fantastically and affectedly fine; vain; ostentatious; showy, and ridiculous:
foppling is the diminutive of fop, a fool half-grown; a thing that endeavors to
attract admiration to its pretty person, its pretty dress, etc. In composition
it makes fop-doodle, a fool double-distilled; one that provokes ridicule and
contempt, who thrusts himself into danger with no other chance than a sound
beating for his pains.
13. Fribble
A trifler, idler,
good-for-nothing fellow; silly and superficial.
14. Fussbudget
A nervous, fidgety
15. Gadabout
A person who moves or
travels restlessly or aimlessly from one social activity or place to another,
seeking pleasure; a trapesing gossip; as a housewife seldom seen at home, but
very often at her neighbor’s doors.
16. Gasser
17. Gentleman of Four
When a vulgar,
blustering fellow asserts that he is a gentleman, the retort generally is,
“Yes, a gentleman of four outs,” that is, without wit, without money, without
credit, and without manners.
18. Ginger-Snap
A hot-headed person.
19. Go-Alonger
A simple, easy person,
who suffers himself to be made a fool of, and is readily persuaded to any act
or undertaking by his associates, who inwardly laugh at his folly.
20. Go By the Ground
A short person, man or
21. Gollumpus
Large, clumsy fellow.
22. Greedy Guts
A covetous or
gluttonous person.
23. Grumbletonian
A discontented person;
one who is always railing at the times.
24. Heathen
One whose buttocks may
be seen through his pocket-hole; this saying arose from the old philosophers,
many of whom despised the vanity of dress to such a point as often to fall into
the opposite extreme.
25. Milksop
A piece of bread soaked
in milk; a soft, effeminate, girlish man; one who is devoid of manliness.
26. Minikin
A little man or woman.
27. Mollycoddle
An effeminate man, one
who malingers amongst the women.
28. Nigmenog
A very silly fellow.
29. Nincompoop
A fool.
30. Ninnyhammer
A simpleton.
31. Poltroon
An utter coward.
32. Rascal
A rogue or villain.
33. Rattlecap
An unsteady, volatile
34. Ruffian
A brutal fellow; a
pugilistic bully.
35. Rumbumptious
Pompous, haughty.
36. Sauce-Box
A bold or forward
37. Scalawag/Scallywag
A rascal.
38. Seek-Sorrow
One who contrives to
give himself vexation; a self-tormentor; a hypochondriac.
39. Scamp
A worthless fellow; a
40. Scoundrel
A man void of every
principle of honor.
41. Shabbaroon
An ill-dressed shabby
fellow; also, a mean-spirited person.
42. Skinflint
A miser; a covetous
wretch, one who, if possible would take the skin off a flint.
43. Slug-A-Bed
Parasite; one that
cannot rise in the morning.
44. Sneaksby
A mean-spirited fellow;
a sneaking, cowardly man.
45. Spoony
Foolish, half-witted,
nonsensical; it is usual to call a very prating shallow fellow, a “rank spoon.”
46. Stingbum
A stingy or ungenerous
47. Unlicked Cub
A loutish youth who has
never been taught manners; from the tradition that a bear’s cub, when brought
into the world, has no shape or symmetry until its mother licks it into form
with her tongue; ill-trained, uncouth, and rude.
48. White-Livered
Cowardly, malicious.
49. Word Grubbers
Verbal critics; and
also, persons who use hard words in common discourse.
50. Wrinkler
person prone to lying.
So many fun putdowns! I love fribble - it just sounds like the perfect way to put someone down, without them realizing that they've just been insulted! I've used the term "bonehead" myself - it's the same as Nincompoop. This blog brought a smile to my face and I'm memorizing some of these insults to use in the future.