Sunday, February 5, 2017

How to do more with less: seven tiny steps to understanding minimalism

Hello again, dear reader. Yesterday we discussed the 13 things everyone should consider giving up so that they can lead a richer, more productive life. This of course in turn got me thinking about minimalism and the minimalist lifestyle. I'm sure you've heard of minimalism. It's a very popular catchphrase at the moment. However what most people don't realize is that it's not just a marketing scheme to sell fancy wallets and purses or key rings to twenty something hipsters. Minimalism is a lifestyle rather than me, pop culture fad (or at least it should be). The idea behind minimalism is not necessarily that memo issued live like a hermit or among and throwaway all their possessions (although I suppose you could take it that far. If you wanted), rather, minimalism is about living a clutter free life, and only having things in life which are necessary or add value to improving one's quality of life, it's about quality over quantity. Everyone thinks that the United States and most of the Western world is a material society, which I guess we are however someone argue that a truly interior was cares more about the quality of the things they own. Rather than keeping up with the latest fad or fashions everyone has their favorite pair of shoes or their favorite shirt etc. the idea behind the minimalist lifestyle. Is it everything you own is going to be one of your favorite things. These seven tiny steps will help begin the journey down the road to a minimalist lifestyle. Use these in combination with the 13 things to give up give up and one's productivity and happiness will increase exponentially. It doesn't matter if it takes seven days or seven years for someone to achieve their desired level of minimalism (yes. It is possible to take minimalism only so far as one is comfortable with). As long as you are able to start the journey and appreciate the necessary things in life with the help of these seven steps, everything will be fine...

1. Write it down. Make a list of all the reasons you want to live more simply. If you are sick of debt collectors, write it down. Mad that you never get any time with your kids? Write it down. To stressed out to sleep at night? Put it on paper. Want to fire your boss? Yep, write that down too. These are your whys and your whys will provide great leverage when you think it’s too hard to keep going. Your whys will help you remember what matters?
2. Discard the duplicates. Walk through your home with a box and fill it with duplicates. If you have two sets of measuring cups, put them in the box, copies of the same book or DVD? Put one in the box. Doubles on place mat sets? You only need one. Once you fill the box, label it “Duplicates” and put it out of sight for 30 days. If you don’t need anything or don’t remember what was in the box, donate it.
3. Declare a clutter-free zone. This area could be a kitchen table, your nightstand, a counter top or a drawer in your kitchen. Use that clutter-free zone as inspiration to live with less. If you enjoy that clean, clear environment, expand the zone a little bit each day. A clutter-free counter top can become a clutter-free room and a clutter free room can become the clutter-free, minimalist home you’ve been thinking about.
4. Travel lightly. Travel s a good way to renew your love of minimalism and living simply. The next time you take a trip, pack for 1/2 the time. If you are traveling for 4 days, pack for 2. You can wash and hang clothes if you need to or wear the same things twice. See how it feels to carry less baggage.
5. Dress with Less. If you haven’t considered Project 333, dressing with only 33 items for 3 months (clothes, shoes, jewelry, accessories) sounds extreme, but thousands of people know that it actually makes life easier instead of more challenging.
6. Eat similar meals. When you think about how much time you spend thinking about what you are going to eat for lunch, make your family for dinner, or what you need to pick up at the grocery store, it’s clear that food is not always simple. Try eating the same breakfast and lunch all week and have 2 or 3 dinner choices that rotate throughout the week. If your family complains, let them know it’s an experiment and then talk about it at the end of the week.
7. Save $1000. An emergency fund simplifies everything. If you are paying off debt, only pay your minimum payments until you can save $1000. If you aren’t in debt, but still spend what you have, set aside money every day or every week until you reach $1000. Try the 52 week money challenge and in 45 weeks, you’ll save more than $1000 without ever contributing more than $45 in a week. Money for emergencies reduces stress and emergencies.
Try these one at a time and continue to take tiny steps and lean into the life you crave. Even if it takes 10 years to get to where you think you want to be, the benefits begin immediately.
The beauty of being a beginner minimalist is that you can be curious, and daring. You can ask for help, get back up if you fall, and look forward to new adventures in a life with less stuff, drama, debt, and obligation.

As always thanks for listening, and there will be more to come soon.

1 comment:

  1. Great advice. I do like the minimalist lifestyle. Your travel trip is the best. I went to Europe for three weeks with a small backpack and one carry on bag. It was great not dealing with a ton of luggage!
