again, dear reader. During yesterday's discussion, we pontificated about the
importance of occasionally having a "digital detox" so for today's
discussion. Keeping in that same vein (for no other reason than I felt like
it). We are going to discuss the five most unique and important side effects
that too much screen time as on the human body. As I found this information
rather interesting, and it may be look at my laptop, tablet and television
screen in a whole new light. Hopefully by the end of this conversation, dear
reader, you will get screen time on the light as well, and figure out how to
better manage the screens that you viewed throughout the day...
I was a kid, (yes I know I'm in my 30s, but it's true. The only thing I
remember really being discussed when I was a kid was television. Or maybe a
Game Boy) the only warning we had been given about technology
and our health focused on televisions: "too much TV will make your eyes go square."
But these days, as all kinds of screen-based devices — tablets, iPods, laptops,
mobile phones — are common in our everyday lives, scientists have been focused
on figuring out what screen time does to the body and brain. And even if you
steer clear of the hysteria and tabloid reporting on the issue, a lot of the
facts don't look particularly good.
of the research on screen time focuses
on kids, because, after all, that's where the biggest difference in
lifestyle is. Adults may stare at computers all day as a simple matter of
course — you'd be hard-pressed to find a standard 9-to-5 that doesn't involve a
screen — but children are supposed to be gleefully climbing trees, throwing
apples at Nancy-Lou and engaging in other traditional manifestations of
childhood, not staring at a smart phone for hours on end. Being concerned about
whether children are spending too much time around screens is not exactly a new
worry, but it's a field where some interesting new conclusions have been found
recently, but what about adults in dorm rooms and bedrooms, scrolling Tumblr or
texting until late at night? Are screens really causing prolonged physical
effects on them, too?
answer, appears to be "yes, under certain circumstances." We all know
about how excess
device use impacts our sleep — using bright devices before bed can
cause poor quality sleep, according to medical advice — but that appears to be
only the beginning of the real effect. Reading on, and learn about five ways
your excessive screen time changes your body.
1. Your Brain Restructures
to Psychology Today, one of the fundamental consequences that a large
amount of screen time has on adults is a restructuring of the matter
that makes up your brain. (The brain consists of grey matter, the
heavy bit that makes up the folds, and white matter, which transmits messages
between neurons.) These results don't apply to everyone — they're all proven
consequences of screen
addiction, which is a psychological condition based around severely
excessive use of electronic devices — but folks who aren't addicts but do use
their devices heavily may experience some version of the same restructuring.
Too much screen usage seems to result in grey matter shrinkage, problems with
white matter's ability to communicate, a lot more cravings, and general poorer
cognitive performance. Not great news, guys.
2. You're More Vulnerable To Metabolic
particular finding comes from a 2008 study of adolescents, but its thinking
still seems to hold true for folks of other ages. Metabolic
syndrome combines diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure; it's a
pretty toxic cocktail of poor health, apparently linked to an abnormally sedentary
lifestyle. (You'll notice a pattern in this; the bodily damage done by screen
time often doesn't have much to do with the screen itself, but rather hinges on
the the fact that we sit still while binge-watching.) But the 2008 study found
a a pretty strong link
between screen time and metabolic syndrome, even if the kids also
did a bunch of physical activity after the fact — so the effects of sitting
still for hours can't be undone with a single brisk walk.
3. You're More Vulnerable To Eye Strain
yeah, my parents were right. My eyes may not have turned square, but it's
pretty well-recognised by the medical community that too much screen time is
seriously bad for the peepers. Blue light from screens isn't just keeping us
awake; it may also damage the
retina , and eye strain
from too much device use is increasing. A report by CBS had a few
recommendations, including the 20-20-20
rule: after 20 minutes of staring at a screen, look at an object at
least 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Plus, try to use the dimmer switch on your
devices rather than letting them burn brightly for hours.
4. You May Not Be As Able To Process
Emotions As Previous Generations
is an intriguing one. It's a contentious discovery in children — several
places, including HBO and NPR, have hosted controversial specials about whether screen
time really inhibits the emotional development of kids — but it may
impact adults, too. Even if you didn't grow up with an iPad within reach, lack
of frequent face-to-face interaction, in favor of Facebook and other simulated
emotional connections, may actually impact on your ability to process emotion
properly. The results for adults aren't in yet, but it doesn't seem like such a
far-flung idea; even late adopters can be seriously damaged by a technology.
5. You're Likely To Die Earlier
decades, studies have indicated that spending significant time parked in front
of a screen — whether it's a TV, computer or tablet — lowers cardiovascular health
outcomes and increases mortality risk. And the unfortunate thing
about this is that exercising more doesn't seem to do much about it. If you're
trying to offset your days of playing Skyrim on the couch with healthy amounts
of exercise each day, it may not be enough; a 2011 study of 4500 adults showed
that lots of screen time raised your likelihood of death
by up to 52 percent, while being a good exerciser only lowered that
by about 4 percent. So it's not just the sedentary lifestyle; it's something
about screen viewing itself that causes our bodies to work less well. If you
want to live longer, get fitter, have a healthier heart and be able to talk to
your friends properly, it seems that logging off social media immediately and
going for a long, long walk might be your best option.
always, dear reader, thanks for listening. There will be more to come soon. PS
the next post is more than likely to be something totally different from all of
our previous discussions. As I have had lots of ideas floating around in my
brain pan. Lately.
I hope your readers take this blog seriously. My daughter is proficient in the knowledge of brain disorders. She preaches to everyone with toddlers to not let them have any "screen time" prior to age two. After age two, the screen time should be limited to very small quantities of time. The brain develops efficiently and properly when the child is left to explore the real world and interact with real people. Parents and guardians are doing our future generations a disservice by allowing and encouraging the children to depend on their electronics for fun and socialization.