again, dear reader. During yesterday's conversation, we pontificated on the
power of conversation, as seen through the eyes of CS Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien
for today's conversation however, I thought we would discuss something that
without which conversation wouldn't even be possible. And that of course is
"time itself." I started thinking about time yesterday when I was
doing some mindless web surfing (you know the kind everybody does late in the
evening. When they can't think of anything more productive to do), and I kept
coming across pop-up ads. That would say things like "don't miss this
opportunity" or "time will run out soon." And other things to
that effect, now of course I know these statements were intended to spare me to
a call to action such as buying a particular product or reading a particular
book. However, the statements got me thinking about time itself and how often I
hear the phrase "I wish I had more time." Or "if only I had more
time" these statements then got me thinking about all of the spare minutes
and seconds in the course of the day that are wasted doing absolutely nothing.
You know, the time I'm talking about the time spent standing in line at
Starbucks to get a five dollar coffee fix or the time walking from one
classroom to another during the course of a day at college or the time on the
bus ride home from work. There are countless forgotten scraps of time each and
every day that if harnessed and strung together could lead to something
meaningful. So for today's discussion, we dear reader, are going to pontificate
on where to find these golden nuggets of time, and how to put them to good
in many of the new year’s resolutions and goals folks are now making will be
predicated not just on willpower but on time. If you’re aiming to do more
reading, studying, listening to podcasts, writing, stretching, exercising,
journaling etc., you’ve got to find the time each day to do so.
these needed minutes and hours in what likely feels like an already packed
daily schedule, with all of its slots apparently accounted for, can seem like a
daunting task. From where then can these fresh resources of time be mined?
promising first place to look are your morning and evening
routines. Waking up an hour earlier every day can open a rich,
quiet, wonderfully productive expanse of time that has the power to shift your
life in a totally new direction. Swapping the couple hours of Netflix and
mindless web surfing you typically engage in at night with the pursuit of a hobby or side hustle can be a
similarly transformative move.
your mornings and your evenings, also consider what you might do with your
lunch hour at work. If you eat your meal in 15 minutes, there’s much that can
be accomplished in the remaining 45.
outside these larger, more obvious chunks of time, there are even more golden
threads of it waiting to be discovered.
you know where to look.
The Hidden Gold Dust of Time
the floor of the gold-working room, in the United States Mint at Philadelphia,
there is a wooden lattice-work which is taken up when the floor is swept, and
the fine particles of gold-dust, thousands of dollars’ yearly, are thus saved.
So every successful man has a kind of network to catch the raspings and parings
of existence, those leavings of days and wee bits of hours’ which most people
sweep into the waste of life. He who hoards and turns to account all odd
minutes, half hours, unexpected holidays, gaps ‘between times,’ and chasms of
waiting for unpunctual persons, achieves results which astonish those who have
not mastered this most valuable secret.” –Orison Swett Marden, Pushing to
the Front, 1894
recently, I discovered a guide who helped me locate the thin-yet-powerful
fragments of time that most people overlook and waste unawares. His name is
Orison Swett Marden and he was a popular self-improvement writer at the turn of
the 20th century. Among the fifty some odd books and booklets he penned are
many inspirational gems, but one of my very favorites, and the one that has
perhaps stuck with me the most, was a chapter in his Pushing to the Front
entitled “Possibilities in Spare Moments.”
in spare moments!
Even the phrase seems charged with potential, and it has rolled around in my
mind regularly ever since I read it, helping me to see, and seize,
opportune pockets of time that I used to miss.
argument is as simple as it is profound: “Many of the greatest men of history
earned their fame outside of their regular occupations in odd bits of time
which most people squander.” Not just fame could be had in these “odd bits of
time,” Marden exhorted, but personal development as well.
slices of the clock — 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there — seem to most people to
be good for nothing except staring out the window or at their phone. But just
as saving a few dollars here and there slowly accrues wealth, reclaiming a few
minutes each day steadily accumulates a rich storehouse of hours. As Marden
declares, “Great men have ever been misers of moments” who “hoarded up [time]
even to the smallest fragments!”
can one find these hidden threads of time in order to spin them into greater
success, happiness, wisdom, and satisfaction? Scattered all about your
day-to-day life once you start looking through the lens of “possibilities in
spare moments.” Below, interspersed with the wisdom of Marden, I’ll point out
some of the typically untapped crannies of time you may have previously
overlooked — micro reservoirs of precious minutes, which, once you become fully
aware of them, can be amassed into rich dividends.
Where to Find Possibilities in Spare Moments
hour a day withdrawn from frivolous pursuits and profitably employed would
enable any man of ordinary capacity to master a complete science. One hour a
day would in ten years make an ignorant man a well-informed man…In an hour a
day, a boy or girl could read twenty pages thoughtfully—over seven thousand
pages, or eighteen large volumes in a year. An hour a day might make all the
difference between bare existence and useful, happy living. An hour a day might
make—nay, has made—an unknown man a famous one, a useless man a benefactor to
his race.”
Active Commute
you drive to and from work each day, you roll through some of the most valuable
spare time in your schedule — provided via your stereo. Sometimes, jamming out
to music is exactly what you need to get motivated or wind down, but why not
swap those tunes now and again for an enlightening segment of something like
the Great Courses or an edifying podcast? (If you need recommendations for good
podcasts to start listening to, here are 27 of our
if you don’t have a long commute to work because you live close to the office
or work from home, you likely spend at least a little time in the car each day,
driving perhaps 10 minutes to the gym and back, and 10 minutes to your kid’s
school and back. Add that up and you’re spending over 3 hours in your car just
on the Monday-Friday stretch. Over the course of the year, that’s 7 days of
your life. What are you doing with that week of time? Singing “Fight Song”
and hating yourself for it, or expanding your mind with tons of new ideas that
can improve your business, relationships, and understanding of culture and
feel you have to fill your commute with any kind of noise, edifying or not,
either. While you drive (or walk or bike) in silence, you can mentally
formulate music, or poetry, or some lines for your great American novel. The
famous poet Wallace Stevens, in fact, composed his verse while he walked
several miles to and from his 9-5 job at the Hartford Accident and Indemnity
Company; when inspiration struck, he’d jot it down on the backs of envelopes he
kept stuffed in his pockets.
Passive Commute
you’re a young man who doesn’t have his driver’s license yet and gets taxied
around by mom and dad. Or maybe you ride the bus or subway to work each day. In
such cases, you’ve got the same pocket of time as the active commuter, but,
since you’re not behind the wheel of a car, you’ve got even more options on how
to spend it.
only can you choose to swap out the music often coursing through your earbuds
for a podcast, you can write down some notes on that groundbreaking novel
you’ve been brainstorming. The famous, hugely prolific English novelist Anthony
Trollope began his writing career that way. His job with the postal service
took him on many train trips across Ireland, and he soon realized that this
time could readily put him on, ahem, track towards his dream of becoming an
found that I passed in railway-carriages very many hours of my existence. Like
others, I used to read—though a good friend has since told me that a man when
travelling should not read, but ‘sit still and label his thoughts.’ But if I
intended to make a profitable business out of my writing, and, at the same
time, to do my best for the Post Office, I must turn these hours to more
account than I could do even by reading. I made for myself therefore a little
tablet, and found after a few days’ exercise that I could write as quickly in a
railway carriage as I could at my desk. I worked with a pencil, and what I
wrote my wife copied afterwards. In this way was composed the greater part of Barchester
Towers and of the novel which succeeded it, and much also of others
subsequent to them.”
friends objection aside (and commutes are indeed good times to sit quietly with
your thoughts), riding to/from work is really a perfect time to get some
reading done. To this end, always keep the Kindle app on your phone stocked
with ebooks, or stash a paperback in the glove compartment or seat pocket of
your vehicular conveyance and make it your exclusive ride-along read; never
take it out of the car, and read it in snatches whenever you’re its passenger.
Watch and see how these short intervals of time, which used to seem like bits
of nothing to you, will allow you to read several big books in a year. Books
you swore you didn’t have time for.
boys will pick up a good education in the odds and ends of time which others
carelessly throw away, as one man saves a fortune by small economies which
others disdain to practice.”
Downtime at Work
many jobs, there aren’t enough tasks to fill the whole workday and you end up
metaphorically twiddling your thumbs. And by thumbs I mean your phone. In many
such jobs, it would pay to ask your boss for other projects to take on, and to
simply look for other tasks to help with. So too, in many cases, even if you
don’t have enough to do, you have to pretend like you do, as your boss would
frown on your engaging in a non-work-related pursuit.
are a few jobs though where there really isn’t anything else for you to do once
you’re done with your duties, and your supervisor doesn’t mind you filling this
downtime time with non-disruptive personal activities. And there are cases of
course where you’re the boss, and you sometimes have little pockets of
time to kill — a few minutes between appointments, for example. Those few
minutes don’t constitute enough time to dive into another meaty project, but
they could still be put to better use than twiddling your phone.
Lincoln, for example, utilized every spare moment of his downtime to further
his autodidactic education. As a boy, he always carried a book with
him as he went about doing his daily chores, and would read a snatch
of it whenever he could. When old Abe ran a general store in his 20s, he’d read
books and study legal textbooks between visits from customers, launching him
towards a career in law.
Roosevelt practiced a similar habit. He always kept a book by his elbow on his
White House desk, and any time there was a spare moment between appointments
and meetings, he’d read a few lines. This method, along with his ability to speed read,
is how TR managed to devour several books a day,
and tens of thousands over his lifetime.
Pomodoro Breaks
The Pomodoro Technique
involves working for a set period of time, and then taking a rest for a set
period of time. For example, you might work 25 minutes and take a 5-minute
break, or work 45 minutes and take a 15-minute break.
do you do during those breaks? The options are limitless. Surf the net (the
distracting stuff that would normally get in the way of your work session). Take
care of chores. Or, work on a goal in little incremental units. Read. Practice
the piano or guitar. Write a quick thank you note to
someone. Go over some flash cards for a foreign language you’re trying
to learn. Whittle. Practice picking a lock.
Throw a tomahawk.
(Those latter suggestions assume you work at home; it’s not recommended that
you try throwing a tomahawk down the hall and into the cubicle wall of Bob in
Accounting.) Remember when you swore you didn’t have time for a hobby? Now you
you’re aiming in the new year is to get stronger, more agile, and generally
move your body more, Pomodoro breaks are the perfect time to achieve those
goals too. “Grease the groove”
and bust out some push-ups and pull-ups. Practice your posture.
Perform some of the stretches
that undo the damage of sitting. One of my goals is to stay limber,
so I often use my break to do some MovNat stuff —
crawling, stretching, balancing on a 2X4 in my living room, etc.
Working Out
you’re doing an intense workout, listening to music that gets your blood
pumping and your thumos inflamed is really the way to go. But for a
slower, longer workout, like a long distance run, it’s easy to tune into a
podcast and watch the miles fade away.
I’m lifting weights, I sometimes read little snatches of books during my rests
between sets. So at a given time, I might be reading the philosophy of Plato
while hoisting a barbell. Gentleman barbarian style,
is money. We should not be stingy or mean with it, but we should not throw away
an hour any more than we would throw away a dollar-bill. Waste of time means
waste of energy, waste of vitality, waste of character in dissipation. It means
the waste of opportunities which will never come back. Beware how you kill
time, for all your future lives in it.”
Waiting in Line
your favorite hip coffee shop always requires a 5-minute wait to get up to the
counter, and a 5-minute wait to get your joe. Why not sneak in a bit of reading
during this daily downtime? Or even studying. When I was in law school I used
to carry a pack of flashcards with me wherever I went, and would look at them
while I waited in line for lunch.
while little pockets of time don’t seem like much individually, they really
accumulate. Ten minutes every day for a year adds up to more than 30 hours. If
you’re committed to the pursuit of learning as much
as possible and becoming the best man you can be, do you really have
60 hours a year, 25 full days each decade, to throw away?
days come to us like friends in disguise, bringing priceless gifts from an unseen
hand; but, if we do not use them, they are borne silently away, never to
return. Each successive morning new gifts are brought, but if we failed to
accept those that were brought yesterday and the day before, we become less and
less able to turn them to account, until the ability to appreciate and utilize
them is exhausted. Wisely was it said that lost wealth may be regained by
industry and economy, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance and
medicine, but lost time is gone forever.”
Waiting for an Appointment (Or a
Perennially Late Friend!)
all hope that when we arrive at the doctor, or the dentist, or the DMV, we’ll
register for our appointment, put our name on the waiting list, and be swept
right in. Yet, we all also know that this isn’t unfortunately always, or even
often, what happens. Instead, we’re stuck cooling our heels in the waiting room
for 20, 40 minutes, and end up reading an issue of Sports Illustrated from
2011 or scrolling through Instagram to pass the time.
of wasting this fragment of valuable time, read something really good you’ve
been meaning to get to, but have felt too busy to engage. A classic novel. A
meaty blog post.
use the time to catch up with friends. Not with a cursory comment on their
Facebook page, but by writing them an actual email. With multiple paragraphs.
habit of always keeping books on your phone or a paperback in your pocket comes
in handy in another scenario as well: when you often find yourself waiting for
a perennially late friend or significant other. While these times used to annoy
you and be filled with the texting of pointed queries as to their whereabouts
and ETA, they can now be something you practically look forward to — your
personal reading time.
it’s only five minutes or ten minutes till mealtime; there’s no time to do
anything now,’ is one of the commonest expressions heard in the family. But
what monuments have been built up by poor boys with no chance, out of broken
fragments of time which many of us throw away! The very hours you have wasted,
if improved, might have insured your success.”
Waiting for…Anything!
number of times one finds himself waiting throughout the day are many and
cannot all be neatly categorized. Waiting for your computer to boot up, for a
file to download, for the coffee to brew, for your frozen dinner to finish
cooking…these are all times you likely stare at the numbers ticking down on the
microwave or start scrolling through your phone. If so desired, they could be
put to more productive and edifying use.
use includes following Carlyle’s advice of simply being still and sorting
through your thoughts; you don’t have to be actively “doing” something to
take advantage of the possibilities in spare moments. Great men always keep the
motors of their minds running during the brief “interstices” of their day.
“Under my tent in the fiercest struggle of war,” Julius Caesar declared, “I
have always found time to think of many other things.” Director Woody Allen has
said “I think in the cracks all the time. I never stop.” And author Umberto Eco
told a journalist who visited his apartment:
morning you rang, but then you had to wait for the elevator, and several seconds
elapsed before you showed up at the door. During those seconds, waiting for
you, I was thinking of this new piece I’m writing. I can work in the water
closet, in the train. While swimming I produce a lot of things, especially in
the sea. Less so in the bathtub, but there too.”
can likewise choose to mentally chew on an idea rather than mindlessly skimming
through your Instagram feed. Just be sure to always carry a pocket notebook
with you, should that short session of contemplation issue an
truth be told, there’s even benefit of designating some of your spare moments
to purely pleasurable phone use. Rather than scratching the itch whenever it
strikes, you can create a “rule” like: “I get to check my phone whenever I’m
waiting for the microwave/the first five minutes of riding the subway/etc.”
you start looking for them, you’ll find possibilities in spare moments
everywhere. You never know when you’re going to find yourself in a holding
pattern, and you can either throw away those minutes forever or spin their
golden threads into the fabric of personal progress. Prepare to not just seize
the day, but to seize every moment, by keeping books and podcasts loaded on
your phone, pen and paper in pocket, and a vision of the man you want to become
ever before you.
present time is the raw material out of which we make whatever we will. Do not
brood over the past, or dream of the future, but seize the instant and get
your lesson from the hour. The man is yet unborn who rightly measures and
fully realizes the value of an hour. As FĂ©nelon says, God (or whatever deity
you prefer or even the universe itself) never gives but one moment at a time,
and does not give a second until he withdraws the first.”
Time is a precious commodity, and carving out time for ourselves from our busy day is a must if we want to grow and learn and calm ourselves. I have always been teased, at home, at school, and at work at how much of a time saver I am. If I can finish a task well in a minimum amount of time, then that is what I do. I hate to waste time! I like all your examples of what to do with our extra moments. When someone cancels a meeting or date, I am grateful for the "gift of time" I received. I try to use that extra time for something good - learning, meditating, doing something nice for someone else. People are so busy everyday, that sometimes they need to be reminded to "stop and smell the roses." Thanks for reminding us how precious time is!