Hello again, dear reader. In our recent
conversations we have been pontificating on all of the various mental aspects
of any EDC system such as things to keep in your car for the purposes how to
make improvised weapons, and survive a mugging even have to set up a financial
plan and budget to improve your future by at least 1% everyday. Staying with
the same train of thought, for today's discussion, I thought we would ponder an
important (if not always enjoyable). Part of everyone's life and that is their
job, dear reader. Most people have a tendency to look at their job as merely a
means to an end. In other words, to provide the things that you and/or your
family need to survive on a daily basis. However, all too many people never
take into account the personal and interpersonal benefits that their job could
be providing them. In other words, how to get the most out of a job and make it
work for you dear reader, as well as if you decide to leave and find a new
career. The important things you should know before you leave a lot of people
(especially in America) seem to have this "you can take this job and shove
it" sort of mentality when they leave and they sometimes forget. Things,
such of their 401(k) and other benefits, that they are entitled to, so today's
discussion dear reader is to help you understand how best to make your job work
for you; and if it doesn't what steps you should take before you leave.
note: The following excerpt comes from How to Live the Good Life by
Commander Edward Whitehead. A British Royal Navy Officer, WWII veteran, and the
president of Schweppes (USA), Whitehead accumulated a bevy of wisdom on
how to live better (he articulated the idea of being a
gentleman and still finding success in one’s career. (The information in this
excerpt has not been changed or altered in any way. It is merely been abridged
in the interest of time and educational value.)
Make Your Job Pay Off For You
your job doesn’t give you pleasure, if your heart sinks on Sunday night at the
thought of going to work the next morning, do something about it. Consider the
questions: Is it the job itself? The hours? The pay? The circumstances?
Incompatibility of aims? Lack of prospects or scope for development? Or
personality clash with your employer?
a list of every task you tackle during the normal day. If your workload varies,
keep the list for a week. You may find that you’re working too hard, or that
you are doing too little, or that you have insufficient activity and
responsibility — and you’re probably bored. Sort out the tasks you
enjoy and the ones you dislike. You may be giving inadequate attention to work
you don’t care for. Perhaps someone better equipped than you would do better at
those tasks?
would you like to do within the company that at that moment is not
included in your job description? If it’s a bigger job and you are confident
you can do it, go to your boss and tell him so. Even if there is no opening at
that time, it will do no harm to let him know that you have your eye on bigger
things. If he doesn’t think you’re up to it, he’ll tell you so.
the problem lies with your employer, see if you can find ways to minimize
contact with him. All of us are susceptible to being made miserable by somebody
else if they’re in a position of power over us. No matter how confident we are,
we’ll be worn down by a superior who is constantly thwarting us and frustrating
our best efforts. Your boss may find you just as difficult as you find him, and
may be glad to see less of you, so see if you can find legitimate ways to get
around him. I have been in that position and found a way out, more than once.
a lateral move provides the solution. When I first joined Schweppes in London,
I worked directly under the head of the company as Advertising
Manager — a subject I knew nothing about. (“Never mind,” said he,
when I protested to this effect, “you soon will.”)
a number of reasons, my boss and I did not get along. He was charming, amusing,
bluff in manner, Falstaffian in size and in his sense of humor, and all this
endeared me to him when I met him socially or shared platforms with him at
conferences. But working under him was another matter. It was impossible for
both of us. I felt that I was on my way to doing the right job with the right
company, but I was working with the wrong man.
also knew that I needed a better grounding of the basics of running a business,
so I requested, and got, a lesser job, a demotion. I became London Sales
Manager. I gained in two ways from the change. I “got out from under” and out
into the field with my thirty-six salesmen, calling on customers, learning
something of their problems and those of my salesmen which, until then, had
been a closed book to me. This experience proved invaluable and stood me
in a good stead a year or so later.
it happened, this new job ended after only six months. My old boss had
apparently forgotten our differences, or decided to overlook them, in the short
time that I’d been out of his sight. He called me to his office and asked me if
I would take on the job of General Manager of Schweppes Overseas — a
post I’d joined the company to fill two years earlier. A year later, I moved my
headquarters from London to New York for some of the same reasons.
all such internal efforts fail for you, face facts and find another job. To
choose more wisely the next time around, read the next chapter and take heart.
It’s not as difficult as you might think to find a job in which you will do
well and which will do well for you.
Or Find Yourself a Better Job
you quit your present job, do your homework. It pays off to take the time to
think through just what you want to do next, what kind of job you want and, if
possible, what kind of boss. An ancient military axiom declares that “Time
spent in reconnaissance is seldom wasted.” If you quit first and plan later,
fewer choices may be open to you. You are no longer dealing from a position of
if you don’t like what you’re doing now, you can make it a means to an end
before you move. If you reserve part of your paycheck for future job training,
or ask people you meet in the course of your day’s work to suggest other
employment opportunities, you are making your job work for you, and you should
keep at it.
first you should ask yourself some vital questions. Do I really want to
make a move to a new career altogether? Or am I just feeling restless — perhaps
because I’ve been easing up and not making the most of the opportunities where
I am? Only you can answer that one, and it deserves long and careful
the result of your deliberation is in favor of a change, take the plunge.
You’ve only got one life and you’d better see that it offers you opportunities
for self-fulfillment, for success, and for happiness (they all mean the same
pencil and paper, draw up your personal balance
sheet, for your own use only. Nobody else can do this for you. Only
you know, exactly, where your strengths and weaknesses lie. List your skills,
the concrete experience gained from each job, your upward curve of earnings.
(If it isn’t an upward curve, all the more reason for you to be evaluating your
job patterns.) List your total personal resources, including skills,
qualifications, talents and abilities, used and unused. What have you done in
your community? Do you have latent abilities — writing, inventing,
entertaining, public speaking — that you could develop? Do you have
hobbies? Are you athletic? Be realistic, but be thorough. What do you like best
to do in your leisure time? Is there a job that would incorporate some of the
qualities that you use or seek out in recreation?
your list of work debits, what are your limitations of knowledge, education,
experience, and ability? Your list might include a complete lack of interest in
your present job, a loathing for figures or paperwork, an inability to delegate
responsibility, resentment of even constructive criticism — you know
better than anyone what situation or personal limitations make you anxious,
flustered, depressed, indecisive, dissatisfied with yourself and your
performance. And unless you own up to what those limitations are, you won’t
cope with them any better in the future than you have in the past.
people who walk out of divorce court only to marry again — to a
virtual duplicate of their previous mate — many people go from one
job that doesn’t suit them to another just like it. They rationalize that at
least the problems are familiar. But they pay a heavy price for this kind of
“familiar” stress. If you would prefer not to remake your character from the
inside out, you can at least put yourself in a job that brings out the best in
you rather than the worst. If you can’t stand criticism, putting yourself under
the sharp eye of a finicky boss is going to give you ulcers or get you fired;
you may be better off self-employed, or at least working in a more autonomous
situation than in the close quarters of an office.
do you function best? With the mind or with the hands? Are you a frustrated gym
teacher trapped behind a desk? A weekend chef who should be running a
restaurant? Are you happiest with figures, facts, or words? With people or
things? With details or with broad concepts?
this point your balance sheet should suggest general goals. You will see
whether you wish to work with a large company, a small company, or none at all.
Or maybe start your own. You will look over your off-the-job activities and see
that you have both the skill and the desire to work outdoors — or with
children, or older people.
you have worked in an office all your life, and assumed from the start that you
will work only in offices until you retire with your gold watch, toss out that
assumption. What seemed true to you at eighteen need not be true at thirty or
tell us about the growing phenomenon of the two-career worker — the person who
quits or retires early from one line of work, only to take up a completely
different career for the second half of his working life. A buyer in a large
merchandising company who quit at forty-five to go back to college, earned his
B.A. and did graduate work at Stanford to become an English teacher, and a
stockbroker who pulled out during the last recession to become a landscape
architect — are only two such men who have crossed my path, happier in their
second career than they ever were in their first.
you have a general sense of the field in which you would like to work, consider
the specific job. If the area is new to you, will you have to start at the
bottom? Would it be to your advantage to work your way up? Or can you enter at
a higher level? Are your skills and experience transferable from your present
field to a new one? Will on-the-job training be enough, or should you be taking
a course to prepare you for the move? What about going back to school or college
to earn whatever credits you lack toward a diploma or a degree? Do you need
graduate work for the job you want? Or do you simply need some time off, a few
weeks or even months to consolidate whatever gains you made on your last job,
or understand and accept its setbacks?
bigger your career change, the more time you should give yourself to sort out
your future choices.
always, dear reader, thanks for listening, and there will be more to come soon.
It's not always easy to change jobs. A position has to be open, it should comparable or better in salary (especially if we are supporting a family) and travel time is important. I was fortunate that I really enjoyed my job. I had wonderful staff and great benefits. However, I am glad that I am retired. I can look back on my position with fond memories, but I do like "being my own boss" and doing what I want when I want!