again, dear reader. As we have been discussing and pontificating on the various
aspects of a quality mental EDC system in our most recent conversations. This
got me thinking of not only the skills that every well-rounded human being
should strive to cultivate. But also how they should go about learning the
necessary skills for a well-rounded EDC system, both mental and physical, and
this of course got me thinking about education, which then got me thinking
about the characteristics that define a well-rounded human being, which is what
today's discussion is going to be about what sort of qualities and
characteristics are used to define a well educated human being (yes I know. It
says "man" but that is because most of the historical examples that I
felt were worth mentioning happened to be written by men, and before you say
anything, dear reader (yes I know. I am a white male. And yes I admit that this
does influence the way that I think and write as it is a personal perspective.
This is not mean however that I need any way believe men are superior to any
other being on the planet in any way shape or form regardless of race, creed,
gender etc. Besides which, being disabled tenants to negate some of the
privilege anyway). I believe the characteristics and attributes mentioned below
can be applying to any human being to help them become a well-rounded
individual, which dear reader is exactly what I hope will happen to you when
you finish today's conversation...
defines an educated man? The number of degrees he has? The size of his
vocabulary? How many books he’s read? (I'm very partial to literature. So
qualities that constitute an educated man can be argued over and debated. But I
was really taken with the description I found in the book How to Live the
Good Life by Commander Edward Whitehead (the Schweppes guy!). He said:
educated man has been defined as one who can entertain himself, one who can
entertain another, and one who can entertain a new idea.”
take a look at each of these characteristics.
Can Entertain Himself
those who want everything done for them are bored.” –Anonymous
bored!” is the plaintive cry uttered by many a child idling away their summer vacation
or fall break. They expect their parents to come up with an activity to cure
this boredom (if your mom was like mine, she would always make a wry suggestion
like, “How about cleaning up your room?”).
many men never outgrow this need to be entertained by others and don’t develop
into manly self-starters. This is the man who puts his head down on the dinner
table as people talk after eating (I’ve seen it), the college student who
grouses his way through a class outing to the local museum, and the houseguest who comes to visit
your fair city and has no idea what he’d like to do during his stay; he leaves
all the planning to you.
reason that children are perennially bored is not that there aren’t
entertainment options available—they’re often surrounded by toys and games—but
that they have such short attention spans. They play with one thing for a
little bit and then another, and then don’t know what else to do. The educated
man is able to lose himself in a task, a hobby, a conversation, or a book
because he has developed his powers of focus and concentration.
people are bored, it is primarily with themselves.” –Eric Hoffer
course these days, with an iPhone always at hand, amusing yourself isn’t very
difficult. Anyone can surf or text the boredom away. The real test for the
modern educated man is the ability to entertain himself when technology isn’t
available or is not socially acceptable to whip out. Can you entertain yourself
at a boring meeting, while camping, while conversing at a dinner party? The
educated man can, and he does it, ironically enough, by retaining an important
ability of his childhood—curiosity. The educated man is insatiably
curious about the world around him and other people. In any situation, he sees
something to learn, study, and observe. If he’s stuck somewhere with neither
phone nor company, he uses the time to untangle a philosophical problem
he’s been wrestling with; the mind of the educated man is a repository of ideas
that he can pull out and examine to pass the time in any situation.
Can Entertain a Friend
someone is of the dull, non-self-starting kind, lucky is he to have a friend
who is an educated man to entertain him!
educated man is the life of the party, the man who keeps the conversation
lively and is known to be unfailingly engaging.
is able to do this because of the breadth of his reading and his experiences. He
has an arsenal of interesting tales at the ready about his travels and
endeavors. And he’s up on the latest news stories and interesting scientific
break-throughs. No matter the demographics of the group he’s with, he
knows a story that will appeal to them.
Lincoln is a good example of an educated man who could entertain others. Though
Lincoln only had one year of formal education, he read voraciously and
dedicated himself to lifelong learning. The result was the ability to talk to
anybody about anything and leave them entertained. Adeline Judd, the wife
of Illinois Congressman Norman Judd, recounted an experience of
being entertained one evening by the musings of Abe Lincoln:
Lincoln, whose home,” she writes, “was far inland from the Great Lakes, seemed
stirred by the wondrous beauty of the scene and by its very impressiveness was
carried away from all thoughts of the earth. In that high-pitched but
smooth-toned voice he began to speak of the mystery which for ages enshrouded
and shut out those distant worlds above us from our own; of the poetry and
beauty which was seen and felt by seers of old when they contemplated Orion and
Arcturus as they wheeled seemingly around the earth in their mighty course; of
the discoveries since the invention of the telescope which had thrown a flood
of light and knowledge on what before was incomprehensible and mysterious; of
the wonderful computations of scientists who had measured the miles of
seemingly endless space which separated the planets in our solar system from
our central sun and our sun from other suns which were now gemming the heavens
above us with their resplendent beauty.”
the night air became too chilly to remain longer on the piazza, we went into
the parlor where, seated on the sofa his long limbs stretching across the
carpet and his arms folded about him, Mr. Lincoln went on to speak of the
discoveries and inventions which had been made during the long lapse of time
between the present and those early days when man began to make use of the
material things about him. He speculated upon the possibilities of the
knowledge which an increased power of the lens would give in the years to come,
and then the wonderful discoveries of late centuries, as proving that beings
endowed with such capabilities as man must be immortal and created for some
high and noble end by Him who had spoken these numberless worlds into
were all indescribably impressed,” continues Mrs. Judd, “by Mr. Lincoln’s
conversation. After he had gone Mr. Judd remarked: ‘The more I see of Mr.
Lincoln the more I am surprised at the range of his attainments and the
wonderful store of knowledge he has acquired in the various departments of
science and learning during the years of his constant labor at the bar. A
professor at Yale could not have been more entertaining and instructive.'”
course among the many subjects the educated man has studied is that of human
behavior and psychology, so he knows that people are most charmed when others
seemed interested in them. Here Lincoln also excelled; as one of his
biographers noted, “Like all truly great men he was a good listener.”
we’re on the subject, I’d also add that a man should be able to tell a good
joke. I guess it’s gone out of fashion to tell real jokes, but I still enjoy
Can Entertain a New Idea
might seem like the easiest one…how hard is it to be open-minded, right?
recent research into the way our minds work has shown that far from being the
rational beings we flatter ourselves into believing we are, unbeknownst to us,
our unconscious is constantly shaping our thoughts, beliefs, and motivations in
irrational ways. For example because of “the
backfire effect,” when we’re presented with evidence that
contradicts our beliefs, instead of changing those beliefs, they become even
more entrenched. “The confirmation bias” makes us seek out
and only pay attention to new information that confirms our preexisting
notions, while we let information that contradicts those notions go over our
heads. And “the
sunk-cost fallacy” pushes us to stick with a less sensible or
desirable option instead of choosing something better, because we’ve already
invested time, money, or emotion in it.
other words, our unconscious minds see our personal ideas as a great treasure,
and competing ideas as would-be looters; when they’re detected by the
unconscious’ security system, it unleashes the dogs and locks the gate. If you
look at a brain scan of people who are listening to a political argument that
contradicts their own position, the blood in the part of the brain responsible
for rational thought is depleted and is not replenished until the person hears
a statement that confirms their position. When confronted with new ideas, your
brain literally closes up shop and throws down the blinds until a friendly and
well-known visitor knocks at the door.
of which is to say, the ability to entertain new ideas does not come naturally.
Your conscious mind has to turn off the unconscious’ security system and say,
“Okay, I know what’s going on here. Let’s not be so hasty. I’m not sure if
that’s a looter or a new friend. Why don’t we first check and see?”
a new idea doesn’t necessarily mean accepting it and changing your beliefs
every time you’re presented with a different take on things. As it has been
said, “Be opened-minded, but not so open-minded that your brain falls out.”
you should entertain an idea in the same way you entertain a guest. You talk
with him in a public setting first, at a distance. If you’re intrigued, you
then invite him over for a chat. You spend some time getting to know him. And
if he turns out to be a bad apple, you stop letting him come around. But sometimes,
the person you didn’t think you had anything in common with becomes your new
best friend.
educated man has an easier time in seeing this. His varied experiences and
studies have given him multiple opportunities to see how the information he has
learned has changed his opinions–even if it took those new ideas a long time to
be invited in. The sheltered man who only interacts with people just like him
and only reads things that confirm his preconceived ideas will not have these
experiences to draw upon, and will thus greet all new ideas like menacing
strangers, shaking his fist at them from the safety of the other side of his
crocodile-infested moat.
Frank Zappa said “A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.” This completely agrees with today's blog. And, an educated person doesn't always have a formal education. A person who is well read, open to all ideas and cultures and is willing to discuss topics of all genre is an educated person. Thanks for another timely blog! BTW, it was very considerate to note that your blog referred to both genders!