Sunday, May 14, 2023

Seven epigrams everyone can live by


 Hello again dear reader, 

I have been thinking a lot about advice today, and the people who have given me, words to live by over the years; And how most of the advice that's stuck with me, has come in the form of epigrams. You know the fortune cookie sized little sayings, that are always a paraphrased quote from a famous person of one form or another.  Whether it be from a famous  Politician, actor, philosopher, military hero or scientist. Somehow, the best epigrams, tend to get passed around for years, and manage to stick with whomever they're told to over their lifetime. Some people take certain epigrams too heart, and others forget them, and dismiss them as funny little sayings that their grandpa or grandma told them. I, on the other hand, as a writer, tend to remember epigrams, Better than most (mostly because I write them down, so I can use them later in an article or a research paper.)  So for today's article, dear reader, I thought I would share some of my favorite epigrams that I have collected over the years. In the hopes that you too can glean some wisdom, or mind-blowing life advice from at least one of them. If nothing else, dear reader, by the end of this article you will at least have the wear with all not too simply dismiss an epigram the next time you hear one.

Epigrams are short, wise sayings that can help us make better choices in life. They have been around for centuries and come from all over the world. Here are seven epigrams that can help you become a better person.

Wear Out or Rust Out

Theodore Roosevelt was a sickly child, but he decided to make his body strong. He did this by boxing, hiking, horseback riding, hunting, fishing, and swimming. He also became one of the most admired presidents in American history. Roosevelt said, “We must all either wear out or rust out, every one of us. My choice is to wear out.” This means that it’s better to live life to the fullest and wear out your body than to let it rust away.

It’s Not What Happens to You

Epictetus, a philosopher, said, “It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.” This means that you can’t control what happens to you, but you can control how you react to it. You can choose to be positive or negative. You can decide to learn from your mistakes or give up. It’s up to you.

The Best Revenge

Marcus Aurelius, a Roman emperor, said, “The best revenge is not to be like that.” This means that if someone does something bad to you, it’s better to let it go than to seek revenge. You would rather not become like the person who wronged you. Instead, be the opposite of them and reward yourself.

There is Good in Everything

Laura Ingalls Wilder, the author of Little House, said, “There is good in everything, if only we look for it.” This means that even in bad situations, there is something good to be found. You just have to look for it. Don’t focus on the negative, focus on the positive.

Character is Fate

Heraclitus, a philosopher, said, “Character is fate.” This means that your character is more important than your past successes or failures. Your character is who you are as a person. It’s what defines you and determines your future.

If You See Fraud

Nicholas Nassim Taleb, a writer, said, “If you see fraud and do not say fraud, you are a fraud.” This means that if you know something is wrong, and you don’t speak up, you are just as guilty as the person doing the wrong thing. It’s essential to do the right thing, even if it’s hard.

Every Man I Meet

Ralph Waldo Emerson, a writer, said, “Every man I meet is my master in some point, and in that I learn of him.” This means that everyone is better than you at something. You can learn from everyone you meet. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and learn from others.

These epigrams can help you become a better person. They can help you make better choices in life and be a positive influence on others. Remember, it’s up to you to choose how you react to situations and how you treat others.

As always, dear reader, thank you for the gift of your valuable time. If you like what you're reading in my blogs, please feel free to share them with whomever you deem worthy.

1 comment:

  1. Any sayings (epigrams) that make us better people are good. Thanks for reminding us what different famous people said. They make perfect sense.
